Sunday, May 27, 2007

My "beautiful" layout

This is my layout for Ngaire's beautiful challenge...

The journalling reads:

I admit, its an ongoing journey learning to accept myself the way I am. Yep, there are things I don’t like about myself. Some things I can change or work on like if my hair is fuzzy or smooth,, or actually laughing more! But some things I’ve learnt, just aren’t important – such as the size of my nose, or if I’m wearing designer jeans. Being happy, and being the best me I can be is what’s important. There’s no way I can be perfect, but there’s a million way I can be beautiful.

I got both J and P to take pics of me the other day for this, and this one was the very first one taken... I chose it because it looks the most like me, if that makes sense. This is how I am everyday. It's not posed, Im not doing something "special" for the pic - it's just me.

I had a lot of fun with the LO, and self reflected as I scrapped! :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bits and pieces


More than 2 weeks ago I received an email saying I was on the "shortlist" to be contacted for an interview with Coles. I have called the Grocery Manager twice since then (didn't give my name though) and am still waiting for a call for that interview. Last time I spoke with her last Friday, she said she would be calling everyone this week, probably Monday... It's Thursday, and I'm still waiting (we have message bank, so a message could have been left). Siiiigh.

And yesterday I called a large company about a night admin job, and they rang back and asked for a couple of minor details, and said they'd call back. I called them again this afternoon, and a lady I spoke to said that the manager was collecting everyones names, and would call people next week.

But today, I got a call from another major supermarket, and I am to attend a group interview next week. At least things are moving there.


I am always thinking of my grandparents; my pop is 88 and my nan is 86 (I think). I always "say" that I should get over there more often (20 minute drive) and also organise a day out every month, just looking about, with my nan or something, but never do. My grandparents are wonderful wonderful people and I love them to bits. My nan has always been cool for her age. She dresses lovely and people always comment. My pop can be quite harsh, but was much stricter when he was younger, and yet, you can just tell how much he loves my nan. They're the old couple you see with him wearing a hat, and holding hands. Very sweet.

My nan in her mind though, is still 30, and so wants to do things, but her body just aint keeping up. She has cuts and bruises all the time, and complains about how old she looks. She's so sweet. Just today, she was telling me about this mole thing on her neck that she's going to have cut off, even though the doctor said it wasn't cancerous, because she thinks it looks ugly.

Pop on the other hand is becoming more and more of a homebody. He sits in the sun and journals, or reads the paper or something.

At Christmas I made them both a journal and journal box - the kind with a stack of questions in the box, and they pull a q out and write about it in the journal. I know Pop loves these kinds of things, but nan worried me today when she said, that I should come over soon, because she didn't know how much time there was left. It was rather ambiguous. I hope the journal isn't something Pop thinks he needs to finish and then he can breath his last breath.... I know it's inevitable, but my grandparents are rocks for me.

My kids

On a much lighter note, Joshy is babbling away and coming out with more words, or is really trying to copy what you say. His latest word(s) is "seesya" while waving bye on his rideon car. Very cute. His other big thing is "I-dew!" for "I love you". Cutey pat-ooty.

And back to some blah, but Melie was telling me about a girl in her year who cuts herself on her forearms, and wears black makeup. Not sure if I should mention it to the school or not? What would you do?

And back to positive stuff, we got the kids the other day to write down a bunch of stuff they might want - it didn't have to be materialistic, just whatever. Then we stuck it on their wardrobe mirrors. One of Melie's things was to "do great in the athletics carnival". Must of worked:

1st in shotput
1st in hurdles 100m
3rd in long jump
equal 2nd in high jump
2nd in 100m
3rd in 200m

How cool is that? And she's not someone who "trains" or does Little Athletics or anything! Brilliant!

P's dance group at school has made it through to the School Spectacular which is fab! J was in that a couple of years ago! Huge event!

Our bunnies will no doubt be parents soon - poor Rosie has been running ragged trying to keep out of Sam's way - she even tries to sit on top of the arch that leads back into the actual hutch! We separated them for a while today and put Sam in to the pen that my OH built for them to run free in, but a part of the mesh lifted and Sam got out, but luckily P and I caught him out front! So Kathryn, do ya want a bunny wabbit soon?

Still too cold to scrap tonight, but will definately do that tomorrow night. Will spend tomorrow setting up so I am ready and warm to go.

Lots of good bloggers have been updating their blogs lately, so have been busy reading of a night... but thats all from me tonight, ciao for now (big clap if you read all that!).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lazy Days

John either hasn't had much luck with finding work, or finding what it is he thinks will kind of satisfy him, or that pays well enough etc, so he has been home a lot more, and I cant seem to do much with him around. We are either chatting about our options over coffee, or I am telling the boys not to go downstairs and disturb daddy while he's on the phone or something, and that means I cant do some of the things I need to (like laundry).

So, today had to of been one of the laziest I have had in a long while. Literally didn't do anything. Didn't clean a toilet, didn't do a load of washing or wash a cup.

We took a quick drive to look at new cars, something 8 seater, for our tribe, but not quite ready to purchase yet anyway so came home earlier than we thought ... meanwhile the boys had only had 10 minutes sleep in the car, and I tried to put Josh to bed but just as I sat down with my lunch on the front lawn to watch over Kane while he slept in the car, Josh got up. So we spent another hour or so out lazing about on the lawn, and I kinda read a book. Then we transferred to the backyard, and not long after, it was time to get Kayla from school. I stopped at the bakery and bought a few different yummies, and divvied them out on a plate, and we had afternoon tea in the sun. So nice to take it easy for a change.

I feel a bit like an old woman might feel though... I want to scrap and get crafty, but just can't, either through lack of "get up and go", or circumstance. My scrap space is currently in our workshop / laundry, and is so cold there. And because I like to leave things out until I have finished a page, I cant be bothered getting my stuff out to even start it. In the very next room, where I used to scrap, I cant leave things out as the kiddies go down there too often. I like to stand mostly as I work, but cant remember the last time I had a real table just for scrapping, so the way I do it now, I often get numb legs from sitting on them. And so, in this cold weather... bleck!

I have a couple of nice pics of just me that I want to play around with in a layout for Ngaire's beautiful challenge, so am keen to get started on that.

We have our LSS re-locating this weekend to bigger and better premises, and of course I'm broke. :(

But on a good note, or rather fab note, the ab fab canvas from Mish arrived yesterday, and as I told her, I will post a pic once we have decided on its home. Thanks again for the wonderful gift!

Was also reminded from my gorgeous friend Rae that we are having our girly weekend in a few short weeks in the Hunter Valley. Woohoo. Red wine look out!

Feeling like a crumpet or 2 with honey, and a glass of moo juice, so may just grab a scrapping mag, and curl up in bed with them.

Don't forget my RAK is still-a-happening, so click on the pink "RAK anyone" and send me your details.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Finishing Touch Ideas

have a cool comp going at the mo'. Check it out!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ngaire Bartlams "Beautiful" challenge

Reading Mish's blog just now, she linked to Ngaire's, who has a "beautiful" challenge going at the mo'. Sounds fab, but scary. But I wanna do it. Check it out, and let's see how big we can get this thing!

RAK button

I've made a little "RAK anyone" button that you will see below the "email me" button... if you want to join the list and perhaps receive a little something. Click it, and send me your details!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

CJ's, Swaps and RAK's!

Over at Blumar's, there's a couple of swaps happening.

The first is a Circle Journal, and it's just my 2nd one I've been involved in. Sign up is open until about the 22nd May, so come on over and join in! It'd be great to see some new faces and styles.

Carlie has started a Bandaid Tin swap, where you decorate the tin and fill with little embellishments etc. This swap is a first for me, so pwitty excited!

Other people on their blogs are so generous, and giving, and I would like to do my little bit for goodness as well. :) I have lots of bits and pieces (craft and scrapping) left over from when I had SYS, and would like to pass them on to well deserving people... I'd like to start my own RAK list. For those of you who have stumbled across my blog, and dont know what a RAK is, it stands for Random Act of Kindess. So, if you would like to be on my RAK list, and perhaps be the randomly chosen person to receive a little something or three, leave a comment and email me using the pink "email me" button at the top right, and please include your name as well as your address.

That's it!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Other stuff

DD-10 has 2 best friends - one is very girly - owns a million bratz dolls, girlie skirts, lip gloss etc, and the other is the total opposite - into footy, talks a bit rougher, doesn't wear skirts. Now, my dd is in between - sometimes shes a tom-boy, and other times, a real princess. Cool, I reckon. Not conforming to anyone's ideals but her own, and how she feels at the time. A few weeks ago, dd-10 told me her (girly) friend had been "asked" to the dance (that would be held at an upcoming school camp). I was a bit shocked - 10? And they're being asked to the dance? Already? Last week, she then told me she herself had been invited, and that she'd said yes. Oooh! It's a little exciting, and a bit scary! She's growing up! The camp began yesterday, and they're back Thursday. She took a disposable camera with inbuilt flash, so hopefully some of the pics turn out okay (and of her dance partner too! lol).

My mums day was nice and relaxing... yummy breaky in bed, and then pressies. We went for a walk to the shops, and 2 parks (probably a good idea - you should see all the choccy's I got!), and the rest of the day was really lazy. Later, I told J that I wasn't cooking tea, and that we'd just have a spaghetti or baked beans on toast kind of dinner. He ended up buying KFC instead so, yay! But no coleslaw - they'd run out!

Felt a bit melancholy for a little while, and sorted through some photos and memorabilia. Started working on my layout for Blumar's and KSK , and they are both themed about mums. This is my mum holding me when I'm about 2 days old, and the expression on her face shows the uncertainty of how she must of felt at the time. Inside, I haven't done any journalling yet, but it's a bit of a long story that I want to share in the layout, and haven't decided the best way to go about it. (Any ideas? At the moment I'm thinking basic vellum folded up). My mum had just turned 20, was unmarried (my parents married the next month) and was from a strict Catholic home. There's a letter in the next pocket that was the actual one my mum wrote to her parents (my nan and pop) letting them know she had had me on Norfolk Island, and was she welcome home?

Sort of got the job at the Real Estate that sells multi million dollar homes - say sorta, cause she got me in and I typed up some stuff for her, and was there for an hour and a half... she said she would call me on the Friday to let me know start dates. When she didn't call on the Friday, I called her Monday (last week) and I had to fax some info over to her, and she said she'd get back to me. I still hadn't heard up until yesterday morning, so, after much discussion with J, we decided it was in our family's best interest for me to concentrate on night work, so I emailed her my decision.

Have applied for basic jobs such as night fill in Coles etc, but seems you practically need a degree... I sat through an online aptitude / phsycology sort of test a number of weeks ago - you know the ones: If a is to b, and c is to d, what is e to f? What the? I just wanna put tins of sweet corn neatly on your shelf!! Apparently I have been "shortlisted" for a store close to me, and after a number of days with no phone call to arrange an interview, I followed up the grocery manger who then told me she was very busy, and had meetings next week, and hoped to organise some interviews then. Humph!

Well, thats it for now. I'm sure there is more I could be saying, but cant think of anything now.

Must go, and read!

Canvas Sneak Peak

The wonderfully talented and generous Mish emailed me a pic of my canvas she did for me and in 3 simple words - "I LOVE IT!!" Don't you all agree? How lucky am I??? I can't wait to see it IRL!!

Thanks Michelle, from the bottom of our hearts!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My May Scrapjack

So many fab entries this month too!

Here is my Scrapjack of Mardi's layout, and, with Bella! being one of the fab sponsors, I thought I just HAD to use their fabric letters (which I painted) for the word "discover"!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The "41 questions" tag

Holy Moly! Was tagged by Chris, and she gave me the choice of the 2 sets of tags on her blog - as I had just recently done the "7 things" tag, I thought I'd do this one, although, I did one very similar not too long back. Anyhow, things always change, and it gives you something to read, right? 'Cause you don't have anything else to do...

1. Where is your mobile?
It's one with all the bells and whistles, and my dad bought it for me, but I don't use all the features. John and I currently "share" my phone; he has it for most of the day at the 'mo, and then I put my Sim card and check to see if anyone loves me.
2. Your Partner?... is male.
3. Your hair? … Brown, long and still straight from being blow dried for the wedding I went to.
4. Your mum? … Is very missed by me. She passed away 4 1/2 years ago.
5. Your dad? Is loved a lot and is there for me when I need him.
6. Favourite thing? What, one thing?
7. Your dream last night? .. Don’t remember.
8. Your favourite drink? Recently converted to red wine, although haven't had one since the wedding... must put it on my shopping list. Otherwise, at the other end of the scale, moo juice (ah, that's milk!).
9. Your favourite Car? Jeep Grand Cherokee, in black. One day.
10. The room where you are? Family room.
11. Your last partner? About 8 or 9 years ago, before John.
12. Your fear? Something happening to my loved ones… especially my kids.
13. What would you like to be in 10 years? Happy, content and financially secure (pinched from Chris - thanks!).
14. With whom did you spend yesterday evening? Kids were in bed pretty early... John watched "his shows" and I made my purse.
15. What are you not? Loud - as in extroverted.
16. What was the last thing you did yesterday?
Read an "O" magazine in bed.
17. What are you wearing right now? .. My trusty and comfy grey trackie daks, and a white long sleeve top.
18. Your favourite book? Whatever I am reading at the time (thanks again Chris).
19. What was the last thing you ate yesterday? 2 chocolate eclairs.
20. Your life? Is a roller coaster - always room for improvement.
21. Your mood? … Quite good. Normal for me.
22. Your friends? I tend to have a few close friends, rather than be best buds with everyone. My friends are those who I can be myself with, and can bounce things off each other, and come away feeling good about our relationship.
23. What are you thinking right now? ... Time for coffee and choccy scotch finger bikkies.
24. What are you doing right now? Typing this while my photos are being transferred from my camera to the ‘puter (That's so bizarre - another one like Chris!).
25. Your summer? Gone already - rainy today.
26. What runs in your television? … Only shows I HAVE to watch are All Saints, and sometimes Rove.
27. When did you laugh the last time? Laugh? Hmm, yesterday, I think. But cant remember about what! I think I was on the phone to my dad.
28. When did you cry the last time? … At the wedding on Saturday.
29. School? So long ago. Would do things differently now...
30. What are you hearing right now? DVD "Incredibles", and Kane and Johsy's jabbering.
31. Favourite weekend activity? Taking a drive somewhere and having a picnic, or buying hot chips and sitting in the park while the kids play.
32. Dream job? … Teaching crafts, English, or writing for a big mag.
33. Your computer? … The kids have my pooter - 19 inch screen etc. I'm using a teeny thing so they can watch movies on it. Yeh, I agree Chris, a laptop would be good.
34. Outside of your window? Our back verandah, yard, pool and deck. And trees.
36. Mexican food? Burritos and Tacos are about the extent of it.
37. Winter? Not my fav season - love getting in to bed with electric blanket, and hot chocolates.
38. Religion? We all need to believe in something, but I think it causes so many of the worlds problems.
39. Vacation? yes please. I'm packed and ready, or at least I will be in 10 minutes. Actually, am going away in a few weeks for the weekend to the Hunter Valley with 2 girlfriends, and I don't even think Ive ever done that before!! Woohoo!
40. On your bed? .. Suede brown and chocolate brown. Very comfy and cosy.
41. Love? ... Always nice. Always welcomed.

I'm not going to tag anyone. That was fun, but am a bit tagged out to be honest.


Canvas from Mish

Over at Mish's Mash, she had a thing going that if you were the 2029 vistor to her blog, that she would create a wall canvas for you... and guess what? Me, and 2 other lucky ladies, were the 2029
th visitor! Obviously something went wrong for poor Mish there, as far as her blog counter is concerened! But how lovely that she is doing a wall canvas for all 3 of us!! I love her style, and have been visiting her since she was a member when Scrap Yourself Silly was around. Thank you Mish. How excitement!

This is the little purse thing I made from Crissy's class. Thank you to the very talented Chris for the template. Looking forward to making more (but need to cut out neater!). Just used some left over doublesided jade cardstock, some Pebbles Inc. foam stamps and Colorbox chalk, and some organza ribbon. I've decided to give it to my girlfriend Raelene with some choccy's, when I see her soon.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Bits and pieces

A busy few days, but all quite good.

Last Thursday, my eldest dd turned 12! O. M. G!!! We didnt do much; just had a fav meal, and lots of junk afterwards!

My dad and L looked after all the kids for us from about 12.30 Saturday, and my and I went to my OH's nephews wedding! (We have not been out together without the kids since my birthday LAST March!). They looked gorgeous, and the reception was fab! I discovered I am now a red wine drinker! I drank a fair bit, and other than feeling a bit flat the next day, I didnt have a hangover or anything! I was blubbering before the door to the church even opened to let her in, and as we sat behind everyone else in the church,we were one of the first that J saw as she walked down the aisle; that made her cry then! When they did the bridal waltz, I had to go back to my seat, 'cause I was crying. It was so nice to see them so, well, in love I guess, and the way they were looking at each other.

Sunday, I took J shopping with 4 of her friends, and bought them lunch. P kept me company, while we "walked behind" J and her friends, and tried to make it look like we "were'nt with them". But J was sweet, and would still ask my opinion about things etc. And her friends were lovely girls.

P may have discovered "her thang". Photography! She took about 40 shots with our digital the other day, and some are really good! Great angles. Here's one of a bunch I really like.

I also ended up getting the job at the real estate place - it's a long story, but suffice to say now that I still havent actually started, and now, John and I are not sure if this is the best option for our family anyhow... perhaps night filler in a supermarket would be better? Same sort of $, no extra cost of childcare, and still with them during the day? Anyway, working on that.

That's it for now - have to pick up Mister 3 from "school".
