The "41 questions" tag
Holy Moly! Was tagged by Chris, and she gave me the choice of the 2 sets of tags on her blog - as I had just recently done the "7 things" tag, I thought I'd do this one, although, I did one very similar not too long back. Anyhow, things always change, and it gives you something to read, right? 'Cause you don't have anything else to do...
1. Where is your mobile? It's one with all the bells and whistles, and my dad bought it for me, but I don't use all the features. John and I currently "share" my phone; he has it for most of the day at the 'mo, and then I put my Sim card and check to see if anyone loves me.
2. Your Partner?... is male.
3. Your hair? … Brown, long and still straight from being blow dried for the wedding I went to.
4. Your mum? … Is very missed by me. She passed away 4 1/2 years ago.
5. Your dad? Is loved a lot and is there for me when I need him.
6. Favourite thing? What, one thing?
7. Your dream last night? .. Don’t remember.
8. Your favourite drink? Recently converted to red wine, although haven't had one since the wedding... must put it on my shopping list. Otherwise, at the other end of the scale, moo juice (ah, that's milk!).
9. Your favourite Car? Jeep Grand Cherokee, in black. One day.
10. The room where you are? Family room.
11. Your last partner? About 8 or 9 years ago, before John.
12. Your fear? Something happening to my loved ones… especially my kids.
13. What would you like to be in 10 years? Happy, content and financially secure (pinched from Chris - thanks!).
14. With whom did you spend yesterday evening? Kids were in bed pretty early... John watched "his shows" and I made my purse.
15. What are you not? Loud - as in extroverted.
16. What was the last thing you did yesterday? Read an "O" magazine in bed.
17. What are you wearing right now? .. My trusty and comfy grey trackie daks, and a white long sleeve top.
18. Your favourite book? Whatever I am reading at the time (thanks again Chris).
19. What was the last thing you ate yesterday? 2 chocolate eclairs.
20. Your life? Is a roller coaster - always room for improvement.
21. Your mood? … Quite good. Normal for me.
22. Your friends? I tend to have a few close friends, rather than be best buds with everyone. My friends are those who I can be myself with, and can bounce things off each other, and come away feeling good about our relationship.
23. What are you thinking right now? ... Time for coffee and choccy scotch finger bikkies.
24. What are you doing right now? Typing this while my photos are being transferred from my camera to the ‘puter (That's so bizarre - another one like Chris!).
25. Your summer? Gone already - rainy today.
26. What runs in your television? … Only shows I HAVE to watch are All Saints, and sometimes Rove.
27. When did you laugh the last time? Laugh? Hmm, yesterday, I think. But cant remember about what! I think I was on the phone to my dad.
28. When did you cry the last time? … At the wedding on Saturday.
29. School? So long ago. Would do things differently now...
30. What are you hearing right now? DVD "Incredibles", and Kane and Johsy's jabbering.
31. Favourite weekend activity? Taking a drive somewhere and having a picnic, or buying hot chips and sitting in the park while the kids play.
32. Dream job? … Teaching crafts, English, or writing for a big mag.
33. Your computer? … The kids have my pooter - 19 inch screen etc. I'm using a teeny thing so they can watch movies on it. Yeh, I agree Chris, a laptop would be good.
34. Outside of your window? Our back verandah, yard, pool and deck. And trees.
36. Mexican food? Burritos and Tacos are about the extent of it.
37. Winter? Not my fav season - love getting in to bed with electric blanket, and hot chocolates.
38. Religion? We all need to believe in something, but I think it causes so many of the worlds problems.
39. Vacation? yes please. I'm packed and ready, or at least I will be in 10 minutes. Actually, am going away in a few weeks for the weekend to the Hunter Valley with 2 girlfriends, and I don't even think Ive ever done that before!! Woohoo!
40. On your bed? .. Suede brown and chocolate brown. Very comfy and cosy.
41. Love? ... Always nice. Always welcomed.
I'm not going to tag anyone. That was fun, but am a bit tagged out to be honest.
1. Where is your mobile? It's one with all the bells and whistles, and my dad bought it for me, but I don't use all the features. John and I currently "share" my phone; he has it for most of the day at the 'mo, and then I put my Sim card and check to see if anyone loves me.
2. Your Partner?... is male.
3. Your hair? … Brown, long and still straight from being blow dried for the wedding I went to.
4. Your mum? … Is very missed by me. She passed away 4 1/2 years ago.
5. Your dad? Is loved a lot and is there for me when I need him.
6. Favourite thing? What, one thing?
7. Your dream last night? .. Don’t remember.
8. Your favourite drink? Recently converted to red wine, although haven't had one since the wedding... must put it on my shopping list. Otherwise, at the other end of the scale, moo juice (ah, that's milk!).
9. Your favourite Car? Jeep Grand Cherokee, in black. One day.
10. The room where you are? Family room.
11. Your last partner? About 8 or 9 years ago, before John.
12. Your fear? Something happening to my loved ones… especially my kids.
13. What would you like to be in 10 years? Happy, content and financially secure (pinched from Chris - thanks!).
14. With whom did you spend yesterday evening? Kids were in bed pretty early... John watched "his shows" and I made my purse.
15. What are you not? Loud - as in extroverted.
16. What was the last thing you did yesterday? Read an "O" magazine in bed.
17. What are you wearing right now? .. My trusty and comfy grey trackie daks, and a white long sleeve top.
18. Your favourite book? Whatever I am reading at the time (thanks again Chris).
19. What was the last thing you ate yesterday? 2 chocolate eclairs.
20. Your life? Is a roller coaster - always room for improvement.
21. Your mood? … Quite good. Normal for me.
22. Your friends? I tend to have a few close friends, rather than be best buds with everyone. My friends are those who I can be myself with, and can bounce things off each other, and come away feeling good about our relationship.
23. What are you thinking right now? ... Time for coffee and choccy scotch finger bikkies.
24. What are you doing right now? Typing this while my photos are being transferred from my camera to the ‘puter (That's so bizarre - another one like Chris!).
25. Your summer? Gone already - rainy today.
26. What runs in your television? … Only shows I HAVE to watch are All Saints, and sometimes Rove.
27. When did you laugh the last time? Laugh? Hmm, yesterday, I think. But cant remember about what! I think I was on the phone to my dad.
28. When did you cry the last time? … At the wedding on Saturday.
29. School? So long ago. Would do things differently now...
30. What are you hearing right now? DVD "Incredibles", and Kane and Johsy's jabbering.
31. Favourite weekend activity? Taking a drive somewhere and having a picnic, or buying hot chips and sitting in the park while the kids play.
32. Dream job? … Teaching crafts, English, or writing for a big mag.
33. Your computer? … The kids have my pooter - 19 inch screen etc. I'm using a teeny thing so they can watch movies on it. Yeh, I agree Chris, a laptop would be good.
34. Outside of your window? Our back verandah, yard, pool and deck. And trees.
36. Mexican food? Burritos and Tacos are about the extent of it.
37. Winter? Not my fav season - love getting in to bed with electric blanket, and hot chocolates.
38. Religion? We all need to believe in something, but I think it causes so many of the worlds problems.
39. Vacation? yes please. I'm packed and ready, or at least I will be in 10 minutes. Actually, am going away in a few weeks for the weekend to the Hunter Valley with 2 girlfriends, and I don't even think Ive ever done that before!! Woohoo!
40. On your bed? .. Suede brown and chocolate brown. Very comfy and cosy.
41. Love? ... Always nice. Always welcomed.
I'm not going to tag anyone. That was fun, but am a bit tagged out to be honest.
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for doing the tag Wendy... didn't realise it wasn't that long since you had done one when I tagged you lol... Really interesting reading though...
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