Sunday, March 04, 2007


Well, it's all 'round stormy here, but thankfully, not between J and myself for a change.

We've actually been, um, closer (although as I type that Im not sure thats really the word, and I find myself reaaaaalllly thinking more lately about what I write and how it's going to come across :P) over the last 2 weeks, since all this stuff has been happening with his family. Perhaps he sub-concsiously knows he does need someone to listen to him?

After all the kids were in bed tonight, I commented on what a lovely night it was; the kind to sit outside, with a cool drink, and watch the night. So we opened up the french doors onto the pool, and let the breeze in, and drank scotch and coke (thats all there was left for me), and watched the Kylie concert on ABC, and talked about all the stuff happening. J and his dad unfortunately had another argument this morning, and John was so emotional and angry. We even talked about picking up everything and moving to QLD (again). But we will probably put that off for a year or so. We're also trying to decide what to use (what was going to be) Poppy's room for, and whether to still put the kitchenette in there, and also the bathroom, but it looks like we will not put the bathroom in, and make it into a hallway thing with cupboards etc so it can be accessed from inside the house (not just outside) and make it a bedroom for 2 of the kids.

Anyhow, it was nice to chat.

Later we watched the storm surrounding us from our bedroom window upstairs, and that was amazing to watch. I love storms, and even now, as I tap tap away here, the rain is falling, and thunder making itself heard.

Anyway, just wanted to share that my evening was nice, and it was spent with J. :)


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