Monday, January 08, 2007

Ikea Disappointment

So, John says to me earlier today "do you want to go to Ikea this arvo?" and I'm looking back at him thinking "Does a duck quack?" I am ready 5 minutes earlier than I need to be and off we go to Ikea! I know hubby gives in when we go shopping there, so I'm set! LOL.

We get about 1/3 of the way through the store, and I have just picked up this chopping board thing that's huge, but would sit on top of my cook top, and would give me extra bench space if needed, and its only $19. "Hmmm" says John, and I quickly throw it in the trolley before he can say "Are you kidding?" Kayla and Kane decide they need to wee, so because the toilets are only in a couple of places, we start off on our journey to find them.

Suddenly, the lights go out, and all is dark for about 10 seconds! Everyone gasps, and freezes! Then some backup lights come on, and we hurry off to the toot.

I am not exaggerating when I say that 2 steps away from the toilet door, an announcement comes on over the loud speaker, saying that everyone is required to leave the store via the checkouts, and no purchases can be made. "What??? I've come all this way, and..." and I look down, and Mr nearly 3 has left a puddle where we stand! So Kayla goes to the toilet, and Kane has to walk with his legs 3 metres apart! We stand somewhere that Daddy will be able to see a not very happy mummy as he comes to the exit.

When we exit Ikea - empty handed!!! Doh! - we notice that all the shops on that level are out of power, and driving off, the traffic lights are out too!

We don't know what happened, but I was very disappointed!! Sad


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