Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bandwidth Exceeded. Again.

When you have a website, you get to know all about things like MB, bandwidth, FTP, etc.

Basically, when you have a site, you have set amounts for things such as the amount of info your site can hold, and the amount of bandwidth your site can use. I have exceeded my bandwidth for the month already. Everytime you look at a page or image etc, you use badnwidth that that site has to pay or allow for. Now, somehow, my web hosts statistics show that on the other day, "someone" viewed 20700 pages in one session! Now I have no more bandwidth which means my site is down and cant be accessed until the 1st of next month! My lovely host gave me a bit more space, but now thats gone too. :(

If you're trying to go to Scrap Yourself Silly and can't, sorry guys!


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