Monday, July 02, 2007

Busy Monday

First official day of the school hols, and we filled our day!

I worked last night from 11 til 3am this morning, and so was a bit difficult getting up ... and I knew my uncle would bring my nan over before the designated time of 9am, (and I was right - they arrived at 8.45am), and I had a stack to do before we left.

We didn't actually leave until 9.30am, and that put me behind! I needed to get gas for the car, but didn't find a service station with a pump that worked until the 3rd one! Then, when I went to pay for it, I realised I didn't have my "trusty" Visa card, and had to pay cash. Now, normally for most people this is no biggie, except, anyone who knows me well knows that we are a Visa family! Just this morning my Pop gave me some money for the 3 littlies to spend in the hols (the 2 big kids got their own money from him), and so I had to use that!

I managed to find where my cousin lives (her and hubby are in the 60's), and dropped Nan off there, and when I got to my girlfriends house (an hour late!), I called the last place I was at spending money, which was a nappy place on Saturday, and they have my Visa! Whew!

If any guy or hubby thinks that girls getting together with their kids is a relaxing experience, BOY!! are they wrong! Aren't they? I nick-named my kids the "2 minute" family ages ago, 'cause every 2 minutes someone needs something, or I'm up doing/getting something for someone! And that's just what it was like between my 5 kids, her 4, and the 2 kids from next door! Yep, 11 kids screaming and running rampant around a backyard!! Very relaxing...

At 2.10 we left there to stop by the post office to get a money order for a Girl Guide camp my dd is in, and then we had afternoon at my cousins and (tried) to catch up a bit. The hour and a half flew by, and before we knew it, we had to leave so I could be in time to meet Tianne and her family at Maccas.

This was the first time I actually met Tianne, as I have only known her through the Scrap Yourself Silly site (when I had it). She is lovely, and so is the rest of her family. And so well behaved! She probably doesn't think so (*wink*), but at least they don't muck about too much when they're out AND at home! Hopefully we can meet up again one day.

Didn't get back until 6pm, and I knew my nan was tired (she is 85, and such a trendy granny), and my uncle was wonderful to pick her up from my place, but didn't get there til about 7pm.

I have so much scrapping to do, but know I had better catch up on sleep, ready for when I work next, so I'm gonna be in bed by 10 tonight.


  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger Jocelyn said…

    I just have to laugh when husbands go on about our relaxing with friends blah blah when we have the kids with us! RELAXING!! ha ha ha they have nooooo idea.

    Glad you found your visa card, I hate when I cant find mine, we use it for everything.

    What sort of car do you drive, it must be a bus to fit all of your family plus your granny? :)


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