Friday, July 06, 2007

A bit off!

Am too tired with a head cold tonight, and am sooooo disappointed as I really wanted to scrap tonight! Blumars has a challenge on this month to use only a colour photo, but with only black and white papers, embellies etc. I went to my LSS today to buy some stuff, which I did :) but am feeling icky...

So, will just show you a couple of pages for CJ's I did yesterday.

The kids and I all have to vacate for the day tomorrow, while John does some work around the house. The only good thing to that is that I know he will clean up most of the mess before we get back! I really dont want to go anywhere tomorrow!

My 3yo boy had a "dress as your fav character" day at preschool today and his hero at the mo' is Batman. Funnily enough, we dont have any Batman costumes, so mummy made some stuff out of foam, paper and material and stayed up last night finishing it! Was quite chuffed! Unfortunately, the parts didnt quite last till we got to school, but luckily daddy managed to grab a couple of pics first! He didnt want to wear the yellow undies over the top of his trackie daks - cant figure out why! Lol! He's a bit of a spunk, my boy!


  • At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awwww, cute Batman!! He is a little spunk Wendy ;)

    I hope you are feeling better soon.

  • At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow you clever thing making his costume... he looks a darling in it :) Just had a lovely catch up on your blog... looks like you need sleep almost as much as me lol


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