Thursday, November 30, 2006


I was on my way out yesterday for a bout of Chrissy shopping, and a song from Christina Aguilera came on the radio ("Hurt"). For some reason - I guess some of the words - made me think of my mum who passed away almost 5 years ago and I started bawling. Mind you, I was actually driving at the same time.

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there

I really miss her, and wish I could see her again.

After shopping, I did my nice deed for the day... while following the line of cars to exit the carpark, I paused to let a car coming from the opposite direction into a car space. I wasn't really being that nice - it was just an excuse to finish taking the plastic of my scrapping mag, so that at the next set of red traffic lights, I could glance through it! lol.

Talking about Reminiscing, there are some gorgeous doublesided cardstock / papers in SYS now by Reminisce. Check it out, and some layouts done by Crissy and Mel too!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Long Time No See

John decided to change internet service provider, and so with one thing and another with faults on the line, and one company blaming the other etc, we were unable to access the 'net for almost three weeks. Not a happy chappy I can tell you!

During that time though I got my house organised better, so that was good... but I didnt scrap at all! Unbelievable.

Like half the worlds population at the moment, this time of year is pretty hectic, with preschool concerts, end of year school dances etc, and then your everyday stuff like doctors appointments, and shopping! Our reno's are still happening too and the most recent thing to happen was having our driveway and path laid and stamped etc, which means we cant walk or drive on it until Thursday. It was so cool watching the team that came to do it... there were 5 workers and one boss dude, and I'm not sure what their back ground was - Vietnamese maybe? and they had on their long sleeve pants and shirts, and big straw hats and worked 3 hours the first day, and only a few more the next, and it was all done! Such a contrast to the "aussie" workers with T-shirt or no shirt, and butt crack showing over the top of stubbies, with no hat!

On Thursday I was also supposed to have my mums best friend Barbara and my step dad Colin over for lunch, but since we have to enter and exit via our back door, its a bit unsafe for anyone who doesnt need to be here. Our front yard is covered in drink bottles, piles of dirt, and planks of wood etc. So we've made it for next week, and I hope it happens, because I cant wait for Barbara to have a look at some photos of my mums... perhaps she can tell me who some of the people are. Barbara and my mum went to school together in high school and remained friends ever since. When I was pregnant with my 3rd bub, mum passed away 4 months before she was due, but the first person who came and saw me in hospital was Barbara. It was like a message from mum or something sending the next closest person since she couldnt be there herself. :)

Our next cybercrop is on this Friday night, which Im excited about, but it is also the night of Kayla and Kanes preschool Christmas concert... so it may start a little late.

Since Ive had the net back on not only have I been catching up on the SYS site, and adding products, but have been reading other peoples blogs - some of them the regular ones I read like the inspirational Erica Glover and my SYS Creative Team members Crissy and Mel, but some new ones as well. A couple of nights ago I was reading one (a link from Erica's blog) and the gal was talking about spiders and how much she doesnt like them (does anyone?) and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Wouldntcha know it? A SPIDER! And not just some little money spider or whathaveya, but a medium size Huntsman! I rolled back in my chair and watched it run along the edge of my desk, and then do a spiderman thing and let out some web so it could drop to the floor! I jumped up and walked backwards and the bugger was following me! I knew I wouldnt get the the cupboard to get the spray in time, but I didnt even have time to mush it 'cause it ran UNDER my desk... It turned out Id run out of insect spray, so used Spray 'n Wipe instead, but was spraying under the desk aimlessly 'cause I couldnt see anything... Well, if nothing else, its clean under there now. LOL!

Also reading Erica's blog, I was made aware of the nastiness of some women in the scrapping industry, some aimed at Erica. I kind worked out was was going on and where it was coming from etc, but its a shame, hey? I hear Kamal - "why are people so unkind?"

That's it for now, 'cause I have to pick up some stock and pack some orders.

But I would appreciate any feedback at all, and if you have any suggestions re my site, that would be fab!